Senin, 24 November 2008


Trade show exhibits

Since 1999,Camelback displays have played big roles in trade show exhibits.There have been a great number of companies may have used their products when those companies take apart in any trade show or events.They,I mean, those companies,may require something 'different or special' for their exhibit booths.They have consideration that the point is,how to attract viewers in order to come in to their booths.There are many ways to do that.Base on my experiences,when I'm in any trade show or events,I sometimes love to come into a booth,even I might don't know about the brand and the products as well.Companies can learn and take some advantages from this case.More viewers have come to their booths,it is easy for them to convey their brand statements to those viewers.For this purpose,some Companies have Camelback to help them achieving the goals regarding to promote their products and brand.

Camelback displays inc have been known as one stop supplier for exhibits needs and accessories as well.They are experienced at meeting customer's needs.They have made products for these at least 100 companies,universities,government agencies,and also some individuals.You can read their testimonial on their website.They have capability in making high exhibit products and accessories,so that's why it is easy to think camelback displays inc when some companies,institutions,or individuals when they plan to put their brand in trade show or events.Let's speak a little thing about accessories.When they are in any trade show or events,do those companies need table covers? sure,they will get it too in camelback displays inc.They also provide table top display with several models and designs.At last,this camelback displays inc offer you various sizes,colors,and design for your trade show exhibits booths.

8 komentar:

  1. Assalamu'alaikum
    Nenad, trade show exhibits atau trade show exhibition? take part instead of take apart.exhibition booths.they come to the point on how to...
    I experienced that...
    it's easier for them...
    (Causative Have and Get)
    one stop supplier to exhibit...
    nenad, itu hanya satu koreksian kecil dari nita yang kecil ini. moga nenad tidak tersinggung. nita cuma pengen postingan nenad bisa lebih ok and mak nyuss...hehehe.
    Nenad, jangan marah ya, nita cuma memberi saran, tidak menggurui atau sok pintar, tapi nenad bisa terus belajar (sama nita juga ya belajarnya biar ilmu nita semakin ok kayak nenad )

  2. @Renita Okta:Waalaikum salam,Nitaa..
    Duh,jadi malu,hehehe...tapi serius,Nenad ucapin tengkyu banget buat koreksinya ya Nit..Ini yang Nenad tunggu-tunggu...karena dengan adanya masukan atau koreksi dari teman-teman seperti Nita ini,Nenad jadi lebih tahu lagi tentang si 'englih' ini.Teman yang baik emang harus saling memberi koreksi,Nit..sekali lagi,I really appreciate this!!I can't wait to talk to you like we used to do...Duh,kapan punya HP lagi yah?hehehe..

  3. Assalamu'alaikum
    Nenad, kangen juga pengen ngobrol sama nenad. kemarin dulu e-mail ku kok gak dibales sih nad? :(
    Nenad jelek deh kalau gitu.
    Nenad bisa menggunakan sedikit idiom dalam postingan nenad. misal kalau harganya mahal, nenad bisa menggunakan "this book is top dollar". "The man is made of money" (laki² kaya), dsb.
    Pun, bisa sedikit 'bermain' kata² yang sedikit muluk² alias merayu (nenad mah jagonya atuh kalau disuruh merayu, kambing aja sampe' kesengsem, heheheh, ga deng nad, nita cuman bercanda, nenad senyum dunk biar tambah cakep)
    Nad, kapan main ke rumah nenek lagi? kalau main ke rumah nenek, salam buat nenek dari nita ya, nita dah gak punya nenek, Nad, jadi ya maklumlah.
    Nenad, i wish i could 'sit' for a while with you. Have a nice day ya Nenad.btw, tuh gambar kok ada orang berduaan, nenad dah punya pacar lagi? waduh..selamat ya (nita dicariin dunk).

  4. Assalamu'alaikum
    Nenad, nita mau 'minta jatah' lagi nih nulis di sini. Kalau nita boleh kasih komentar lagi, perasaan dulu tulisan di blog nya nenad kan "Live your life with Nenad Mohamed", kok sekarang berubah? padahal yang bener tuh yang dulu lho, heheheh, nenad pasti salah ketik ya, hayo lo...

  5. nenad..... hahaha.. sibuk repiew yah :D

  6. Wah, koq malah chatting di kolom komentar nih dua sejoli ini? Kangen ya? Mbok ya pada ketemuan, kopi darat gitu. :)

  7. ada bau dollar disini... he..he..

  8. @Nita: untung Nita cepet ngasih tahu,nenad ngga nyadar kalo 'live' nya jadi 'life',kemarin emang sempet dirubah-rubah Nit 'semboyannya',cari-cari yang cocok,tapi ngga ketemu-ketemu..ya akhirnya balik lagi ke 'semboyan' yang lama...gambar yang berdua?oh itu lukisan bikinan Nenad kok,hahaha...kangen nya simpan dulu yah..sama kok,nenad juga kangen :)

    @badoer:hehehehe..nyindir nih?

    @Ecko:Jadi malu :D

    @masenchipz:bau dollar?banua gimana,Mas? seger ngga? :D
